Family Stories

The Bridge Generation

Peter Jamero was born in Oakdale, California in 1930 and raised on a Filipino farm worker camp in Livingston , California. Recipient of a master’s of social work degree from UCLA, he is a trailblazer having achieved many “Filipino American Firsts” in his professional career. He is the author of Growing Up Brown: Memoirs of a Filipino American and Vanishing Filipino Americans: The Bridge Generation. Retired, he lives in Atwater, California. Check out Peter’s BLOG!


The Galedo Family Story

In October 2018, The Galedo siblings: Mimi, Lillian, Remy, and Don came together in Northern California to start their family story project. Jaime Geaga, CBBC chair, and Vince Reyes conducted the interview.  Shortly thereafter for 18 months, Mateo Reyes, son of Remy and Vince, along with Lillian and his parents collaborated to produce the first video draft in the summer of 2019. Further editing and fine tuning would continue until mid-2020. Production Notes:

A Labor Leader & Organizer

Pablo Valdez

Filipino Labor Leader with ILWU and Local 37 in Seattle. He worked and organized with other labor leaders like Larry Itliong, Philip Vera Cruz, Carlos Bulosan, Ernesto Mangaoang, and Chris Mensalves.

Tribute by Pelagio Valdez (son)

With Paola Mardo and Patrick Epino

Long Distance is the first and only documentary podcast series about stories in the Filipino diaspora. It is a collection of Filipino audio stories set a long way from home. What does it mean to be Filipino outside of the homeland? To grow up there and to have to leave it? Or what if you’ve never been there at all?

Other family stories are in development. If you are interested in working on your and/or family’s  story, please feel free to contact us.